SA5H Personal Income by Major Component and Earnings by Industry
(Historical) 1/ |
LineCode |
Description |
BEA Construction |
Stata variable name |
Income by place of residence |
10 |
Personal income (thousands of dollars) |
35-36+46+47 |
income |
20 |
Population (persons) 2/ |
pop |
30 |
Per capita personal income (dollars) 3/ |
NA |
Derivation of personal income |
35 |
Total earnings |
=81+82 |
tot_earn |
36 |
Contributions for government social insurance 4/ |
ssi |
37 |
Employee and self-employed contributions for government social
insurance |
worker_ssi |
38 |
contributions for government social insurance |
boss_ssi |
42 |
Plus: Adjustment
for residence 5/ |
red_adj |
45 |
Equals: Net
earnings by place of residence |
earn_res |
46 |
Plus: Dividends,
interest, and rent 6/ |
capital |
47 |
Plus: Personal
current transfer receipts |
transfers |
Earnings by place of work (thousands of dollars) |
NA |
Components of earnings |
50 |
Wages and
salaries |
=(81+82)-60-70 |
ws |
60 |
Supplements to
wages and salaries |
sup |
61 |
contributions for employee pension and insurance funds 7/ |
penins |
62 |
contributions for government social insurance |
NA |
70 |
income 8/ |
=(81+82)-(50+60) |
prop |
71 |
proprietors' income |
farmprop |
72 |
proprietors' income |
nonfarmprop |
Earnings by industry |
81 |
Farm earnings |
farmearn |
82 |
Nonfarm earnings |
nonfarmearn |
90 |
Private nonfarm
earnings |
priv |
100 |
services, forestry, and fishing |
aff |
200 |
Mining |
mine |
300 |
Construction |
cons |
400 |
Manufacturing |
manu |
500 |
Transportation and public utilities |
trutil |
600 |
Wholesale and
retail trade |
trade |
700 |
insurance, and real estate |
fire |
800 |
Services |
serv |
900 |
Government and
government enterprises |
gov |
910 |
civilian |
fedcivil |
920 |
Military |
mil |
930 |
State and
local |
snl |
Constructed Variables |
Total Compensation |
comp |
=ws+penins |
Total Employer Labor Cost |
laborcost |
=ws+sup |
Total Federal Government Income |
totfed |
=fedcivil+mil |
Legend / Footnotes: |
1/ The estimates of earnings for 1929-57 are based on the 1967
Standard Industrial Classification. Earnings are estimated by place of
residence for 1929-47 and by place of work for 1948-57. |
2/ Census Bureau midyear population estimate. |
3/ Per capita personal income is total personal income divided
by total midyear population. |
4/ Employer contributions for government social insurance are
included in earnings by industry and earnings by place of work, but they are
excluded from net earnings by place of residence and personal income.
Employee and self-employed contributions are subtractions in the calculation
of net earnings by place of residence and all of the income measures. |
5/ The adjustment for residence is the net inflow of the
earnings of interarea commuters. For the United States, it consists of
adjustments for border workers and US residents employed by international
organizations and foreign embassies. |
6/ Rental income of persons includes the capital consumption
adjustment. |
7/ Includes actual employer contributions and actuarially
imputed employer contributions to reflect benefits accrued by defined benefit
pension plan participants through service to employers in the current period. |
8/ Proprietors' income includes the inventory valuation
adjustment and the capital consumption adjustment. |
Note-- All dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted
for inflation). |
Last updated: May 30,
2014-- revised estimates for 1929-1957. |